Lessons In...Um...

So I was over on one of my favorite sites (Church Marketing Sucks) looking at stuff I missed somehow (what I'm about to talk about was posted there last November!?) - I came across this:

Lessons In Not Sucking: 9 Must-Read Books
(Filed under: Reviews)
This is part nine in a series on Lessons In Not Sucking. Today I give you nine books that are must-read when it comes to not sucking. I admit, it is not a definitive guide, but you try narrowing down a list of nine. If you have your favorites--or if you disagree with mine--feel free to tell us in the comments.

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

Church Marketing 101 by Richard Reising

Purple Cow by Seth Godin

Mind Your X's and Y's by Lisa Johnson

A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink

Getting Real by 37signals

The Long Tail by Chris Anderson

Good To Great by Jim Collins

Thinking for a Living by Joey Reiman

So - I'm thinking - I haven't read ANY of those books (though Tipping Point has been "on the corner of my desk" for a while now - okay, for TOO long - and I just started Good to Great). CMS is a not a site that bashes church marketing (or advertising or "getting the message out" or whatever you want to call it) it is a site (like http://www.crummychurchsigns.com/) that bashes BAD church advertising. I mean, really, if we're going to do something, shouldn't we try to do it well?

So, I've read Made to Stick and I've poked around in The Big Idea and, like I said, I'm just starting Good to Great which all have elements of "don't suck" in them.

We've just launched a "brand builder" ad campaign that came out of our evangelism committee. There will be business card sized ads in the newspaper something like 4 or 5 days a week for three months. The hope is to give the church some "brand recognition."

So, how do you build BRAND? What is the one thing that First UMC wants to say it is? In logo, in tagline, in everything we publish and present?

I don't think we're there yet. But we're learning. Taking steps. Baby steps, but steps nevertheless. I don't think that we'll ever do anything like this but I think the church is moving in the right direction, at least...

So, at some point you have to put the books down and do something. It's a start. First is on the STEEEEEEEEP learning curve of "church marketing." And we're trying not to...uh, we're trying to do well. But they're baby steps.


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