
Philip Yancey writes in his book Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference?

"I write about prayer as a pilgrim, not an expert... I investigate the topic of prayer as a pilgrim, strolling about, staring at the monuments, asking questions, mulling things over, testing the waters..." (pages 16&17)

I get it. I don't approach too many things in this faith journey as an expert - except my own story, my own failures and mis-steps, my own redemption. THAT I know well. The inner workings of God's heart, the mechanics of grace, the depth of the Holy Spirit and a million other topics, I'm no expert. I'm a pilgrim like everyone else. This life of faith is a Pilgrimage. We journey. We wander. I love the image of "strolling about, staring at the monuments."

This prayer thing is no exact science - it's a travelogue of where we are, where we've been, and what God is doing, where God is leading, how God is providing.


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