Why Does This Keep Coming Up?

I was at a meeting two weeks ago talking about the ministries that Steve and I do and how we're constantly growing and learning and reaching and I said, "We're not arrogant enough to think we have all the answers.  But we do know a lot of the right questions to ask."  Which, yeah, sounds like a bumper sticker - but it's not.  I realized my whole life has been this - far more asking than answering.  The more I learn the less I know (yeah, another bumper sticker - okay, it's a blog) - but every question opens up a hundred more, doesn't it?

So I'm reading a leadership blog and I read this:

The Right Question
Leaders do not need answers.
Leaders must have the right questions.
One church's worship team uses these questions to review their Sunday services for improvements.
What went really well?
What needs improvement?
What was confusing for the first time guest? 

Okay God - I'm listening...


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