I'm Here...And There...

From http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/irony

I realize there's a subtle irony in the fact that my penultimate* substantive post was about writing and how this blog is a place where I practice my writing...and then I stopped writing :) Yeah, irony might not begin to cover it...heh.

But the reality is I have been writing. A LOT. I discovered Google Drive - and a place to keep some documents that I can edit wherever I am without carrying them. Loving the "cloud" as it were. But what that has meant is that while this was my mobile "writing practice lab" for a long time - since I could log in wherever I was, now I can access those documents and work on stories, sermons, you name it wherever, whenever I want.

So...updates have been...well, obviously, um, sparse. Just the robo-updates of the signs that I loaded up months ago and will end in a couple weeks... I WILL have content here, but not likely the 3-6 posts a week that I had going for a while. And it still might not be content that matters to anybody but me :) but it'll still be here. My intent is that the posts (with the exception of "found" internet stuff) will be substantive - interesting to someone (maybe even someone besides me - heh) but if not, that's okay. I'm writing more than ever before, and that's a good thing.

*I love the word penultimate - which means next to the last - when I was in college - I was in a class of ENGLISH MAJORS who, almost to a person, thought it meant "really, really ultimate" - like, ultimate could get, um, any MORE ultimate...you know, ultimate-er...


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