Sermon Posting?

From Morguefile
I've considered publishing my sermons here - I don't know that anyone would be interested - but it's a place where I could keep a semi-permanent record of what I've done and the occasional time when someone has said, "Can I read that message" I could just email them a direct link. I had a really, really, really long message this past week - and I thought about posting it here - but I don't know - maybe another blog, just for that? That might be a better fit for me - using this space for - well - what it is, and if you want to check out the sermons, well, they'll be posted on the other blog. I could post a link every Monday after I preach or something here...

Here's the thing, I love reading Michael's sermons on his blog -along with his reflections on life, ministry, stuff going on. If you haven't checked out Michael's blog, really, why not? But this isn't a plug for Michael (though, he deserves a plug now and then - doing amazing work over in L'viv, it sounds like - but living out this Christ following life in a real, open and honest way - praying for you Michael) - it's a rumination, I guess.  This is what I do, isn't it? I kind of think out loud IN PUBLIC here... heh...

Oh well.

Oh - and one of the reasons to wait for a few weeks is we're reworking someone else's material right now - not that we're preaching other people's sermons per se, but we're drawing pretty heavily on source material right now and I'd rather not start incorporating a new "feature" until it's primarily original stuff, you know? Our Advent series should be pretty good - I'm really looking forward to it - so, stay tuned for that.

So I have a few weeks to really decide what to do, but this is what I'm wondering. And I wonder if any of my regular readers even cares...

Opinions? Anybody have any opinion on put them here or a separate blog? I'm leaning toward the latter - I can put the whole backlog there and organize it by date* and then link from here for those interested.

*I can do that here, too, but it adds hundreds of posts to this blog that will just suddenly appear - but seem to have been here since the beginning...and sorting through them to find just the sermons might be cumbersome - though I could use tags (something I haven't ever done on this blog...I wonder why?)


Michael Airgood said…
Thanks for the shout out and the prayers. I wish I could post my sermons in chunks throughout the week - but I'm always certain that I've messed up biblical things (my last step is to check my facts!) so I don't. It would be good to read some sermons.

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