Nobody's Fault But Mine...

I just saw this - 'cause I'm a little behind....

A pastor got offended when an automatic gratuity was added to her bill because she was in a group of more than eight people. Restaurant policy - computer kicks it out - 18%. Now, I suppose I understand that you may not want to leave 18% (I generally start at 20% and go up from there, so...) and most people don't like to have such things foisted on them...

Anyway, here's what she left:

I don't get it. Are you upset because this waitress gets like three bucks an hour and you don't want to help her actually earn a living - you know, she's just a waitress, let her live in poverty...  Yeah, I'm a little bitter...  And I don't get the God comment, either. I've NEVER tipped God. I may tithe, I may offer, I may even sacrifice. But a tip? Sounds...pretty disrespectful.*

And then - AND THEN - when the picture hit the internet, somehow the pastor got outed. Maybe the waitress posted her name, I don't know. But here's what just bugs the snot out of me. The pastor then went to the manager of the Applebees and complained that the "ensuing firestorm ruined her reputation" according to Yahoo! News.

Really? I'm pretty sure YOU ruined your reputation and didn't help the reputation of Christ in any way by leaving the note in the first place.

We're supposed to be salt and light.

We should be the biggest tippers.**

The most understanding customers.

The hardest working employees.

Imitators of Christ.

I get it, it was a moment of weakness. But suck it up and blame yourself. Not the waitress. Yes you were embarrassed - and you should be. We've all done stuff we regret. It goes away (eventually), honest. But we've all been there.We'll all be there again...

God knows - and I mean that, it's not just an idiom - God knows I've embarrassed the cause of Christ myself. And it passes. Forgiveness comes. And we move on.

But let's try to remember...

          We're in the grace business.***

And, so, to close this out... Some 77s covering Led Zeppelin stealing Blind Willie Johnson:

*Oh, yeah, and how the 10% we give to God is in ANY way comparable to a tip is beyond me... except that it's, you know, a percentage.  Do we give God ten percent of what He's given us? Do we REALLY? And do we base it on how well God has served us? Really? Sigh...
**I have no empirical evidence, but anecdotal evidence tells me that church people tend to be among the WORST tippers. I've been told that some waitresses/waiters hate working Sunday afternoons...
***As I was writing this... I managed to be graceless to my own family... Work in progress... Nobody's fault but mine...


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