How Far?

Thanks to my friend Aaron for posting a link to this article about the longest game of tag ever - like 23 years.  These guys play tag one month a year (February) - but the catch is they don't all live in the same city anymore... and haven't for years. Cool story. As if that's not awesome enough, here's a link to an update: "it" has changed twice already this month.

from huffington post

Love and community. How many of us would rearrange our lives for someone else one month a year... for a game? How about for something really important? Would we fly across the country and hide in the bushes for two days... just for the HOPE of seeing that other person*? Okay, maybe a weird example... Would we make sacrifices and rearrange our schedules and even cold call complete strangers to involve them in somewhat complicated plots**?

And I thought... I'd LOVE to do that. It would be PURE AWESOMENESS! I'd do that for a game...

But not for Jesus...

I wouldn't cold call people for Jesus...

Or sit outside for two days in the cold...waiting...

Or fly across the country for a three hour visit with someone... Tag you're it... Hey, God sent me. How can I help?

Okay - maybe I might...but...

Would I REALLY?  How far would I go?

If you want to be my disciple, deny yourself, take up your cross every day, and follow me... ***

*Wow, it's a good thing these are all guys...I realized how STALKERISH all this sounds if there's any girls in the mix... creepy...
**Like sneaking into each others' houses and hiding in the trunk of a car to jump out, these guys better be good friends, 'cause the FBI could get involved in this... geez....
***Luke 9:23


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