Who I Am

From Morguefile
It always surprises people when I tell them that I'm an introvert - I know, Sunday mornings, I sure don't look like it. I get that. But, nevertheless, I'm an INFP on the Myers Briggs - a Dreamer... yeah, that's about right... But in the I - the Introvert - I'm always off the chart - all the way over - no Extrovert at all.

And I live that out. I HAVE to have some time alone - just to "recharge" if you will.

So, what makes it hard is that this is an Extroverted society. We don't value Introverts.

Now I'm not talking shyness here - which is self-centered and fearful. I'm not afraid.

     Not Shy...

          Or Backwards...


Interacting with people takes energy from me, being alone renews my energy - that's being introverted. Extroverts are energized by being around people, and get sucked dry when they have to be alone.

Well, watch this, it explains a lot more than I can in a few sentences: (be aware, there's a sort of cartoon flipping of the bird, if you're easily offended by line drawings...well... maybe don't watch this...)

I saw Susan Cain at Catalyst a couple years ago, I might even have her book, and when she spoke I thought, "Yeah, whatever. We Introverts just need to get over ourselves." And, well, maybe we do, to a degree - but I can't be who I'm not.

And, while I DO lead, and take risks, and speak out - and even sometimes make quick (and dare I say "rash"?) decisions - I am NOT an Extrovert, and all of that costs me in the end. I'm willing to pay it, but I have to recoup it at some point, too...

So, if I'm quiet in a meeting, at a party, in a classroom - it's not because I don't have anything to say (though I SUCK at small talk) or because I'm shy (or that ugly word people use "backward"), it's probably because I'm taking the time to process things, work through things, understand things. Then I'll speak.

I promise.


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