
Showing posts from August, 2010

the Middle Road - Francis Chan

If you go to Otterbein Church, you'll probably hear me say some of this stuff at some point (soon) - but EVERYBODY needs to check out this three minutes from Francis Chan:

Jumble Box and Grace

A while back my friend Aaron talked about his Jumble Box . A jumble box is a box, tote, or whatever that contains collected bits of...stuff - in this case musical stuff - cables, adapters, whatnot - over the years. I have a jumble box. Well, no, I don't really. I have a jumble room . Yep. I've got so many cables, amps, speakers, adapters, various and sundry pieces of electronic equipment that to put it all together in one place would jumble a room. And I can't help myself. I'm a packrat at heart (no, I don't like the term Hoarder , thank you very much, even if it's accurate). I collect stuff that I can know the drill. Lori has done her best to curb this tendency in me - and she really has for the most part - but not with musical...stuff. When I used to build model kits (and that's a story for another day) I had the "scrap box" or the "junk box" - you know, leftover parts, sprues, etc. The stuff t...


Note to self: Next time you go away, make sure the coconut foo-foo shampoo bottle is closed before putting it in your suitcase...

Not Just About Windows 7 but...

Just because I have to vent for a moment... Windows 7 may be "all that" (at least compared to Vista) but I can't find the freaking files I need using the Widows 7 search. It's the first real feature about 7 that I've hated (well, they dumbed down MovieMaker, too, but there's a workaround for that) - but it's a deal breaker for me. The problem is I have about 400 gigs of files on an external hard drive - and it's not indexed by Windows 7 so it won't search it. At all. I can type in the name of a file that I can clearly see on the screen on the external drive and the search returns "no files found." Really? But i can see it...urk... So I wasted half an hour looking for a file that I know is on the external hard drive - give up, decided to spend another 15 minutes or whatever copying 34 gigs of files (one of which I was sure was the file I wanted) to the "Bill Beatty" folder on the desktop. Searched and, what do you know, ...