
Showing posts from February, 2013


found online.... A couple weeks ago, Seth Godin posted a great post about why organizations don't improve . It's short (it'll take you about a minute to click there, read it, and come back...I'll wait, honest...) Told you it's short. Anyway, he says, in a nutshell ('cause I know some of you didn't read it) that improvement is risky because it has many costs. Making something better, or trying to, might actually break it...That happens, so we fear change and do nothing. Making something better ALWAYS makes it worse for some people*. We know that, so it may depend on the perceived power and position of that "some people". Change is frightening, so we don't do anything - and that feels better, because it is known... But Jesus changed everything... *I know churches who hold on for dear life to a particular worship style in a service where only a dozen people attend - and in one church it is a traditional ser

A Picture Is Worth...


Worship Reflections

found online It's Lenten Luncheon season around here. You know,* where you go to a different church each Wednesday (or Thursday) at noon, have some kind of "service" and a light lunch - all conveniently packaged in an hour so folks who work can punch back in before the boss gives them the stink eye...** So, yesterday it was at the Lutheran Church and I almost didn't go. Don't get me wrong. I didn't want to go in the first place. But I go, because I should go. I'm a pastor in the community. It's "connectional." Well, sort of. I don't think these kind of things advance the Kingdom of God particularly, but I feel compelled to support the other churches. So, anyway, the point is, I go... And they hand me a bulletin. Okay. Sigh... It's a lot of responsive reading stuff. I mean a LOT. Like three sides of the bulletin, you know what I mean? It's ALL responsive reading stuff. Leader. Us. Leader. Us. Psalm. Prayer. Call to Worship.

Because It Mattered...

From Morguefile (Note: I'm going to attempt to clear out my Drafts folder here on Blogger, so there may be some posts that reference some, um, past events in the...well, future... ) Last December we had a community dinner at the Tidioute Church. It was kind of a spontaneous idea that came up at our November board meeting: "Could we just invite people to come to a free dinner for Christmas?" "Invite who?" I ask, 'cause that's what I do. "Well..." I see what's going on. Sure, we could have a church dinner. Been there done that. We could invite family and friends... But, well, they'll have Christmas dinner. Who might not? "We just got the list of who will get food baskets for Thanksgiving. That's..." Papers shuffle and some quick counting. "...about 35 families...about, wow, about a hundred people." "We could send invitations." "Hey," someone says, "we could hand out invitati

Official Announcement...

Found Online... Well, it's that time of year again in United Methodisim... When pastors get nervous whenever the phone rings, and if the caller ID says it's the District Superintendent, we're tempted to not answer the phone. But we do answer the call - the call of God that sometimes comes when the District Superintendent's caller ID shows up. And so Lori and I announced yesterday that we will be moving this July - not too far,though. Beginning July 1st, 2013 I will be the pastor at Corry First United Methodist Church. So we begin another brief moment of transition, and a new season of ministry. As always, we are sad to leave friends and ministry behind, but excited about new possibilities. These announcements are always bittersweet. I'll probably have more to say about it in future posts, but for those who don't get my news any other way... I wanted to make sure you knew...

A Picture Is Worth...

Since Valentine's Day just passed... Nerd Wedding Cake!! :)

New Bible Study

One of our young adults at Otterbein Church got this online Bible study going for Lent. I'm a couple days late in linking to it, but you should check it out: Renew 40 Read it, comment, check out the comments, however God uses it to minister to you. 40 days of renewal. Good stuff.

Who I Am

From Morguefile It always surprises people when I tell them that I'm an introvert - I know, Sunday mornings, I sure don't look like it. I get that. But, nevertheless, I'm an INFP on the Myers Briggs - a Dreamer ... yeah, that's about right... But in the I - the Introvert - I'm always off the chart - all the way over - no Extrovert at all. And I live that out. I HAVE to have some time alone - just to "recharge" if you will. So, what makes it hard is that this is an Extroverted society. We don't value Introverts. Now I'm not talking shyness here - which is self-centered and fearful. I'm not afraid.      Not Shy...           Or Backwards... Introverted. Interacting with people takes energy from me, being alone renews my energy - that's being introverted. Extroverts are energized by being around people, and get sucked dry when they have to be alone. Well, watch this, it explains a lot more than I can in a few sentences: (be

A Picture Is Worth...

'Cause I can never remember what Lizard does...

How Far?

Thanks to my friend Aaron for posting a link to this article about the longest game of tag ever - like 23 years.  These guys play tag one month a year (February) - but the catch is they don't all live in the same city anymore... and haven't for years. Cool story. As if that's not awesome enough, here's a link to an update: "it" has changed twice already this month. from huffington post Love and community. How many of us would rearrange our lives for someone else one month a year... for a game? How about for something really important? Would we fly across the country and hide in the bushes for two days... just for the HOPE of seeing that other person*? Okay, maybe a weird example... Would we make sacrifices and rearrange our schedules and even cold call complete strangers to involve them in somewhat complicated plots**? And I thought... I'd LOVE to do that. It would be PURE AWESOMENESS! I'd do that for a game... But not for Jesus... I wo

Pre-Service Countdown...

So lots of churches do a five minute pre-service countdown that's... well... just numbers counting down. Why not combine that with your morning announcements? Do it in an engaging way and people will not only be on time for church, they'll show up early... Nicely done, maybe a little long in the Moses section but still pretty engaging. I might do a 3 minute version - or figure out a way to make it 5 minutes so one segment doesn't fell so long... But entertaining - and informative. I give it a thumb and a half up :)

More Better

Found online If you've read this blog, it's no secret that I like Seth Godin. My life has been busy and I haven't been following his blog very closely of late, but I checked it out this morning, and this post , I thought, was so full of truth...yet so very, very ironic. Here, I'll reproduce the post in it's entirety: You'll pay a lot... but you'll get more than you pay for. There's plenty of room for this sort of offer to work. The hard part isn't charging a lot. The hard part is delivering more (in the eye of the recipient) than he paid for. Plenty of people would happily pay extra for what you do... if they only believed that in fact it would turn out to be a bargain, worth more than it costs. One reason we price shop is that we don't trust that anything that costs more than the cheapest is worth what it costs. Too often, in the race to charge less, we deliver too little. And in the race to charge more, we forget what it is th

A Picture Is Worth...

Another Click to see it all - and Find Waldo...on Tatooine :) Awesomeness

Nobody's Fault But Mine...

I just saw this - 'cause I'm a little behind.... A pastor got offended when an automatic gratuity was added to her bill because she was in a group of more than eight people. Restaurant policy - computer kicks it out - 18%. Now, I suppose I understand that you may not want to leave 18% (I generally start at 20% and go up from there, so...) and most people don't like to have such things foisted on them... Anyway, here's what she left: I don't get it. Are you upset because this waitress gets like three bucks an hour and you don't want to help her actually earn a living - you know, she's just a waitress, let her live in poverty...  Yeah, I'm a little bitter...  And I don't get the God comment, either. I've NEVER tipped God. I may tithe, I may offer, I may even sacrifice. But a tip? Sounds...pretty disrespectful.* And then - AND THEN - when the picture hit the internet, somehow the pastor got outed. Maybe the waitress posted her name, I do