
Showing posts from November, 2012

Buzzword Bingo

Everybody has buzzwords - business has theirs, the entertainment industry has a lingo, in sports, and in church work we have ours, too. Dilbert the other day had the pointy haired boss try to lead via catchprhases: copyright Scott Adams I have threatened to make up "Buzzword Bingo" cards for Annual Conference. You know, put words like "Holy Conferencing" and "Inclusiveness" and "Core Value" and, oh yeah, "Jesus" on the card and when you get five in a row you can jump up and yell "BINGO", or maybe "Holy Spirit" I don't know... We're not allowed to play bingo, so we definitely shouldn't yell out that word. Maybe if I had people yell out "Hallelujah!" when they got 5 in a row, the powers that be at conference would just assume that the person was powerfully moved by the point being made.* But we would know - and would secretly give them a prize.** The point being that we like to use the t

When You Wish Upon a Star


Sermon Posting?

From Morguefile I've considered publishing my sermons here - I don't know that anyone would be interested - but it's a place where I could keep a semi-permanent record of what I've done and the occasional time when someone has said, "Can I read that message" I could just email them a direct link. I had a really, really, really long message this past week - and I thought about posting it here - but I don't know - maybe another blog, just for that? That might be a better fit for me - using this space for - well - what it is, and if you want to check out the sermons, well, they'll be posted on the other blog. I could post a link every Monday after I preach or something here... Here's the thing, I love reading Michael's sermons  on his blog  -along with his reflections on life, ministry, stuff going on. If you haven't checked out Michael's blog, really, why not? But this isn't a plug for Michael (though, he deserves a plug now and

Hide and Seek

Found online***** When Rachel was very little - like 2 or 3 years old - we taught her to play hide and seek. She was terrible at hide and seek.* Not that she couldn't find good places to hide - she actually often found clever places to hide - even in fairly open rooms like the big fellowship hall at the Warren Church. Probably because she was so small and could fit in little places.  She was actually pretty good at finding places to hide. But then I would finish counting, turn around and take two steps and say, "Where are you?" and two more steps and say, "Where are you?" and she would jump up giggling and yell, "Here I am!" She didn't want to stay hidden. She wanted to be found. She wanted her daddy to come and pick her up and hug her and laugh and spin her around and love her. She wanted to be found.** But as kids get older we teach them to hide better - to stay hidden. We play a whole different kind of hide and seek. We hide our emotio

Signs Redux: Where Do These Two Signs Belong Together?

I would think they would play very quickly :)

Disney and Star Wars

Surely you've heard by now that Disney bought* Lucasfilm and Star Wars.** They're going to make Episodes 7,8 and 9, or so they say. I hear good and bad - people unhappy with what Disney did with what Disney did with Tron and the fourth Pirates movie (which I haven't seen yet, so I can't comment on it). And I hear the naysayers talk about John Carter of Mars - but I liked it - and the "real fans" would NEVER be happy with any adaptation of the classic ER Burroughs book anyway... Here's a link to a clearinghouse page on the news: *** But I digress. One thing that I didn't think of is alluded to in this week's Dork Tower comic: from Lucas did a bit of litigating to keep Star Wars his. But Disney has a pretty solid track record of protecting its intellectual property by suing anybody who violates it. And by anybody.... Clic

Signs Redux: Stop, OR MAYBE "Stop On This Place"?

I'm usually the first to give people the benefit of the doubt...but how do mess this one up? How many acronyms can you come up with for this one? Stop On This Spot Sign On The Pole Step On The Pedal (that's REALLY lame - save me, please!!!!!!!!)

I'm Here...And There...

From I realize there's a subtle irony in the fact that my  penultimate* substantive post  was about writing and how this blog is a place where I practice my writing...and then I stopped writing :) Yeah, irony might not begin to cover it...heh. But the reality is I have  been writing. A LOT. I discovered Google Drive - and a place to keep some documents that I can edit wherever I am without carrying them. Loving the "cloud" as it were. But what that has meant is that while this was my mobile "writing practice lab" for a long time - since I could log in wherever I was, now I can access those documents and work on stories, sermons, you name it wherever, whenever I want. So...updates have been...well, obviously, um, sparse. Just the robo-updates of the signs that I loaded up months ago and will end in a couple weeks... I WILL have content here, but not likely the 3-6 posts a week that I had going for a while. An