
Showing posts from October, 2009

Lost and Found

So I spent about 10 or 12 hours working on a video that is 1 minute and 8 seconds long. I had to learn to use a brand new program (Adobe After Effects), I had to use gimpshop to edit some still images, audacity to edit audio from 5 different sources and, of course, edit it all together into something that will, hopefully, matter... I can't wait to use it Sunday - of course most people who see it won't think it took very long - but that's okay, it's almost exactly how I wanted it to be (the one minor issue is a thin blue line where I chroma-keyed an image - and didn't get the settings quite right). I got so immersed in doing the video, I almost missed a lunch appointment I had today with a friend - I was, of course, almost 20 minutes late. Jim knows me. He brought a book. But I lost all track of time doing the video. There are some things that I just so enjoy doing that I can get completely lost in them - video editing being one of them (model trains and music a

I'm (Almost) Back

Well, Lori gave me a hard time this morning because I haven't blogged in...well, forever. A couple things have happened that have kept me from the keyboard. The first is that I'm trying to pour all my creative energy into what we're doing at church - so I haven't wanted to be distracted by blogging and facebooking (like I've been any good at that, anyway) and the like. But more importantly, I haven't felt like I have anything to say. I mean, sometimes it's okay to take an online quiz to find out what classic movie you are (if you look back, you'll discover that I was once Apocalypse Now and once Easy Rider, go figure), but I'd rather actually have something to say. See, the thing is, at Otterbein church I have lots of opportunity to talk with real, live people the kind of stuff that I would normally have posted here. I had a great conversation about spiritual gifts and being filled with the holy spirit with Steve the other day and I started a c