
Showing posts from March, 2007

Convicted of Fraud...

I've spent most of this week feeling like a fraud. No, I'm not about to confess that I've done some terrible, horrible thing (I was NOT on the grassy knoll...heck, I wasn't even born yet). This was Spiritual Emphasis week for the High School kids out at Warren County Christian School. I helped out with four other youth leaders (from ). Mostly I was the AV guy (well, mostly the V guy, though we did use one of my amps and a couple of speakers - but someone else ran sound - Brin Robeson - and he does a great job) but I got to speak on Wednesday, too. Now, here's the thing. When we were planning scripture we based it on was Hebrews 10:37-39 "For yet, 'in a very little while, the one who is coming will come and will not delay; but my righteous one will live by faith. My soul takes no pleasure in anyone who shrinks back.' But we are not among those who shrink back and so are lost, but among those who have fa

And We Fall...Silent

Music and mood...they can really go together... So, I'm listening to Five O'Clock People right now - and it's so depressing...but, that's exaclty why I picked it... Dunno what's going on today, I just don't feel like taking on the world...or even dealing with it. "And we shuffle to grace And we summon our demons As we push them away... And we fall..silent... And we stumble to grace We're clutching heaven.."'s been a long week.

Really, Do ALL Dogs Go To Heaven?

Two hour delay here this morning so everything was thrown way off schedule. The really GOOD part of that was that this morning (since I didn't check the radio before I got the girls up) we had two extra hours to play and be together. At one point we all snuggled on the couch and watched All Dogs Go To Heaven . Now, I'm not a huge fan of the movie, but it's fun enough and the girls like it... So, there's a scene in the movie when Charlie gets to the "Hall of Judgment" and the girl dog that greets him says something like, "All dogs go to heaven because, unlike humans, dogs are loyal and never mean." (don't quote me, that was like seven hours ago or something...). That got me thinking about a quote I used in my sermon yesterday. Madeleine L'Engle said in a Cokesbury interview, "I think there are some people who are terribly afraid...afraid that they cannot control God, that God might love people they don't love, that God's love i

A Week in My Life

I have too many projects going right now...that's my excuse for not blogging. I know that nobody DEPENDS on this blog to get them through the week or anything (man, how sad would that be?) but, still, I should be able to write SOMETHING once in a while... So I'll write about being busy...heh... This Lent has been so full of stuff. I got to preach at the senior center one afternoon and at another church one evening. My last two Sundays have been four services with three different sermons (8AM & 11AM use the same notes - different sermon for a local retirement home and then our Breakthrough service I use yet a different sermon...). I love worshipping, so this has been a great weak for that - I've had to scale back on the "extras" for worship, though. Video editing takes way too long, for example... This week is spiritual emphasis week for the high school kids at one of the local Christian schools (it's funny to me that there are three local Christian sch

Is That Too Much to Ask?

So, I'm listening to an oldies station (not a lot of variety up here in the woods if you don't like country) and invariably they'll say something like, "Coming up next, Paul Revere and the Raiders" and I'm thinking of, you know, "Louie, Louie" or "The Legend of Paul Revere" and this instrumental thing starts playing and I'm thinking that somehow a different station just trounced the signal from my oldies station. I wait for the thing to be over and the announcer says, "That was Paul Revere and the Raiders in that rare classic, 'Like Long Hair.' It's a little known fact that that cut was really a version of a Rachmaninoff Preleude. Coming up next, Tommy James and the Shondells with 'I Am a Tangerine.'" What? Now, I'm no huge oldies fan but why do we have to listen to all the obscure cuts from the albums? I guess if you're really into the music, that's what you want to hear... I don't kno