
Showing posts from December, 2010

Christmas Carol Notes

So we've been using the story of Dickens' A Christmas Carol  as the framework for our advent series and I've read a lot of stuff on the subject.  Two links for those who want them. First, since the book was published in 1842 it is public domain - so the full text is available here, at Project Gutenberg***: Second, did you know that Scrooge may have been based on a real person?  Yeah, me either - though knowing what I do about Dickens, it doesn't come as a surprise (he was an incredible social satirist and drew heavily on the people and places of Victorian England for his writing).  Anyway, here's an article on the "real" Scrooge: And for those who have wondered about Charles Dickens and his faith - here's an article that I found interesting - factual, d

No No NaNoWriMo

Did you know that November is National Novel Writing Month?  That's NaNoWriMo to the (geeky) initiated.  Don't care?  Okay.  But here's a couple Dork Tower strips from 2007 that...well, it's me and the blog the past six months or so...

Seen online....

...found at a goodwill shop, written on the tag of a coat:

Jon Stewart...

...I just had this conversation...    Jon Stewart Lampoons The 'War On Christmas' - Watch more Politics Videos at Vodpod .


For those who live around here - does this qualify as a blizzard?  All I know is we decided to defrost our freezer and the stuff on the front porch is frozen more solid there than it was in the freezer... Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow?

Dusting Off The Blog?

Sigh - my time is not my own anymore... Dork Tower from Dec 1, I believe (probably have to click to see all of it or something...) This struck me as hilarious (especially his explanation of why he did it in December 2010):