
Showing posts from April, 2013

Cultural Engagement

My good friend Steve raves about The Walking Dead , AMC's Zombie-fest that's always at the top of the ratings. And he says, "You have to watch it. It's not the zombie stuff. It's the characters that will hook you in and keep you watching."* And I mock him.  'Cause that's what friends do. Zombies? Really? found here But the point is taken. The number one show. Or is it number one on cable? Does that matter? I see that sometimes.  "Cable's number one drama. Or comedy. Or cable's number one show with two guys wearing suits. Or whatever..." I dunno. Anyway, the season finale a couple weeks ago got 12+ million viewers .** That seems like a pretty solid number one on TV kind of slot to me.*** So I haven't watched the show. I can't get past the zombie bit. To each his own.****  So, um, not the point. It occurred to me, however, that being the number one show, while being a pretty big deal, isn't enough to be culturally

A Picture is Worth...

I don't teach anymore...  But if I did... ...this second one would probably get me in a lot of trouble...

A Picture Is Worth...

It's just the mood I'm in today: Quadruple Star Wars Goodness. ENJOY!

A Picture Is Worth...


A Picture Is Worth...
