
Showing posts from September, 2016

What is in your hand?

In Exodus chapter 4 , God has called Moses to lead His people out of Egypt, and Moses is giving excuses. Here, Moses says, "What if they don't believe me?" God asks, "What is in your hand?" Now, I get the whole answering a question with a question technique. It can be pretty powerful, often allowing the original questioner to gain insight that he or she did not have before. But this is one obtuse question. Moses wants proof. Moses wants the secret handshake, the secret code, something to show to people, "God is real. God exists. God told me this." "What is in your hand?" Sigh... A staff. It's a piece of wood. It helps me when I walk. I use it to herd these pesky sheep. It's... just a staff. "Throw it on the ground." Wait, what? Why? You can imagine all the questions in Moses' mind right now. None of them are voiced, however. He throws it down, and it turns into a snake! Wait! How is that better? Well re