
Showing posts from January, 2012

The Cat Is Out Of The Bag...

Not mine - found on 'net, I'm NOT revealing any big secret (oh, my, it IS appointment season, isn't it?).  Anyway, I was just reminded of this when somebody used this phrase on Facebook. Years ago, when I was getting ready to go to seminary, Lori and I lived with my mom in a big old farmhouse.  Every fall we got, as you would expect, tiny visitors looking for a warm place to spend the winter.  I hate trapping mice, and when you get a couple, well, let's face it, you end up with a LOT of mice...  So, next spring we decide it's time to get a cat. Now understand, I'm not a cat guy.  I'm a dog person.  I don't get cats, cats don't like me.*  But we figured we'd get an outside cat.  It would be an employee, right?  Keep the house free of pests.  His name was Splash.  He was a semi-domesticated cat.  Perfect, right?  Okay inside (learned the litterbox in a day) but love, love, loved being outside. Three weeks. Cat versus car. So,

Sounds of Math

I've been meaning to repost this since I saw it on  Aaron's blog   a while back, just for the sheer awesomeness of it. Take the number pi out to some long decimal place, assign note names numbers and...well, he'll explain it in the video.  But it's MUSIC.  It's not NEARLY as random as you think it's going to be. And he does the same thing with Tau - and it's better, way  better, because he starts right off, it seems to me, trying to make it a "song".  You can even buy it for a buck from CDBaby...  I LOVE this stuff:

God Wants Moses Dead?

They probably didn't look like this So one of my devotional exercises this year is to read through the Bible in a year.  It's a nice pace - about 3-4 chapters a day.  What I wanted was, of course, to read every  verse of the Bible.  I have my favorite books of the Bible and I'll confess that there are some things I haven't really read since Seminary ("Song of Songs" I'm looking at you).  So it's good, because there's things I've forgotten since the last time I read through some of these books. And I know Moses' story - but I had completely  forgotten this story: At a lodging place on the way, the LORD met Moses*  and was about to kill him.  25  But Zipporah took a flint knife, cut off her son’s foreskin and touched Moses’ feet with it.  “Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me,” she said.  26  So the LORD let him alone. (At that time she said “bridegroom of blood,” referring to circumcision.) (Exodus 4:24-26) Did you remember t

Facebook Dichotomy

Heh - I just love the juxtaposition of things on Facebook - these two posts were side by side this morning and stuck me as funny.  Probably not funny to anybody else...but I loved the irony of it...

First Place...or Participant...

From Morguefile Saturday night, that would be New Years' Eve, the family went bowling with our church family.  We got there a little late and the kids' lane with the bumpers lining the gutters was filled up so our family took a normal lane.  Rachel and Elie threw a lot of gutter balls Saturday night. Rachel was getting especially upset.  "Why can't we have bumpers?" she demanded of me.  Nevermind that I didn't like the tone, I replied, "You can go ask for them if you want to."  But I knew she wouldn't. And I didn't want her to.  Even though her frustration level was getting really high, I knew that the bumpers wouldn't help her any. "Why does it keep going that way?" she asked after her ball went directly into the left gutter again.  Now, I'm no bowler (that may become self-evident in this post, I don't know), but that was exactly the opportunity I was looking for. "Try making sure your arm goes straight -