
Showing posts from June, 2010

The Highest Score...In Life

I was playing Yahtzee today (a little handheld thing that we sometimes keep in the car) whiled Lori was in a store. I got 620 points. No, really. I had 4 yahtzees. My record is over 700, but that was on a handheld that we no longer have... :( Anyway, here's what I was thinking about as I hit my fourth yahtzee: You can't get the highest score in Yahtzee*** playing "safe." The only way to get the highest score in the game is to play it recklessly. For every roll to be "going for a yahtzee." That's what I did. Already have 6's? Who cares, you just rolled three on your first roll. Save 'em and go for a yahtzee. And it worked. But here's the thing. To get the highest score, I had to endure hundreds of failures. Lots and lots of "false starts" (NEVER start a game with less than 4 of a kind in something...) and lots of "just missed" opportunities (roll a large straight on your first roll? Nope, save the three and ro


I guess I needed...lemme check...three weeks off. Sorry. It all kicked in with Annual Conference - and it hasn't slowed down at all... Last night I moved heaved and earth to get a computer connection to our main TV so that Lori could watch a Netflix "watch instantly" or whatever they call it. I have a couple "used" computers at the house - still good, figured I'd be able to use one to buffer the video so that we could watch the movie - it's an XP machine, should have been able to handle it direct internet connection. I grabbed a wireless USB internet...thing...from the church. Of course to install it - wait for it - I had to be on the internet and download the drivers... sigh... Tried another machine, loaded with Ubuntu . I couldn't connect it either... ('cause I'm a geek...but sometimes a hopelessly clueless geek...) So I did what I should have done in the first place and connected the laptop to the TV. Now, I didn't wa

Yeah, It's Monday Again...

...but I'm going out with my wife for our anniversary (which is tomorrow)... So here's some youtube goodness (well, at least I liked it...)

Can You Tell...

...what kind of week it's been by the (in)frequency of my posting. I started work before 8 this morning and walked back in the door at 10:05 PM... Sorry I even missed my regular features - and next week will be just as insane - it's Annual Conference week...bleah... I did experience a certain irony yesterday. We had an appointment with the sleep doctor - yeah, I have a cpap machine now - I call it The Snorkel of DOOM!!!! (tm) Anyway, went to the sleep doctor yesterday and he asked how I've been adjusting to the The Snorkel of DOOM!!!! (tm) the past two months or so and I told him that I can't seem to keep it on all night. Apparently, at about 2 AM I am completely irrational because I rip the thing off and toss it on the dresser next to the bed. The next morning I'll remember doing it - but I can't seem to stop myself from doing it, even though I have NO idea WHY I'm taking it off every night. So he suggests some sleeping pills. He says we have to tr

A Simple Quote

Patriotism is proud of a country's virtues and eager to correct its deficiencies; it also acknowledges the legitimate patriotism of other countries, with their own specific virtues. The pride of nationalism, however, trumpets its country's virtues and denies its deficiencies, while it is contemptuous toward the virtues of other countries. It wants to be, and proclaims itself to be, "the greatest", but greatness is not required of a country; only goodness is. -Sydney J. Harris, journalist and author (1917-1986)