
Showing posts from March, 2008

Just Because It's Stuff I Like

Okay - full-on geek mode here...heh... I love playing with sound and graphics and video. I'm also cheap - so I love programs that offer a lot of bang for...well, nothing. Here's some links to great programs that are absolutely free (and work great - some of them I've been using for a couple years now): My favorite is Gimpshop - it's a Photoshop knockoff that is HUGELY functional. I do almost all my graphics editing with the Gimp. I would guess that if you know Photoshop, the Gimp would be pretty easy to use (though I've never used PS - the Gimp has done everything I've wanted in raster-based image editing): If vector graphics are your thing, I'm told that Inkscape is similar to Illustrator, though I'm just now beginning to find my way around it: Of course, who could pass up a free Office clone? I mean, to get the universal functionality of Office without having to pay a million dollars to Microsoft (okay,

Breathe Deep

We had our second annual community Easter dinner yesterday. Last year when we had the dinner, we had some new people show up for Breakthrough that evening. Happened again last night. Bill was here. I've seen Bill around, but I never asked his name. Truth is, I never really paid much attention to him. He struggles in some ways - physically and mentally - economically. I hope he felt loved and welcomed last night...but I don't expect to see him back again. I hope he comes back, but... Bill's on my prayer list now. I've noticed him. I'm ashamed to admit (though I must) that too many people are too low on my radar to ever even ask their names...I pass them on the street, in the store, and never stop to say more than a passing, "Hello." But here's one guy that I won't miss again. Here's a guy that I now have "something to say to." At least I have one connection with him now. I keep coming back to that proverb that I heard a yea

Elie Chess

My mom comes over on her days off to babysit for us. It's a HUGE blessing for us (and I don't thank her enough...note to self...) Anyway, this morning my mom was a little early and I wasn't quite ready for work when she came so as I was getting ready to come to the office, I heard Elie say, "Let's play chess, grandma." Now, Elie Chess is a little different from everybody else's chess. You see, the goal of Elie Chess is for Elie's king (a title that is bestowed on a bewildering array of pieces on the chess board - whichever her little hands grab first) to capture all your pieces. Since Elie Chess doesn't depend on each player having all the same color pieces, it's not easy to even know which pieces are yours. The goal of Elie Chess is for Elie to win. So, the rules change constantly, what you are and aren't allowed to do in the game changes constantly. You don't really know even where your pieces are, let alone when and how you're al

Blister Soul

Bill Mallonee - Vigilantes of Love This band (guy/band, um...whatever) has been loved and hated since they first put notes to tape around 1990. I was only a passing VoL fan through the 90s since nobody around here carried their stuff. I THINK I have an album or two on cassette somewhere... But my friend Steve re-ignited my interest in Bill and VoL. There's such a depth in Bill's lyrics that is easy to miss. The melodies are sometimes light, sometimes dark - but usually pretty catchy - in that pseudo Americana folk brit pop country indie rock way (heh, is it any wonder they didn't get a lot of radio play?) . So sometimes I find myself singing lyrics that are pretty profound (okay, not ALWAYS, but sometimes) without thinking 'cause the songs are so darn catchy. I was just listening to "Parting Shot" from the Blister Soul album and my spirit was resonating with Bill's lament. hey you know i sure could use a new suit of clothes see i'm gone all threadbare