Like an Unmade Bed

"Right now my life feels like an unmade bed."

I just read that quote in somebody else's blog and it really hit me. That's me. This guy's complaint was that he had quite a few unfinished projects on the back burner. That's part of why I feel that way, but part of it is also probably that I'm hitting middle age and there's so much that I thought I'd do, thought I COULD do, whatever, that I haven't accomplished.

Well, I don't really know why I feel like that, I just know I do. I have so much - I love my wife (and she loves me), I have two of the greatest girls who were ever born. I like my job, my coworkers. God is good -- all the time. So why do I feel...unmade?

No answers today. Just the question.

I said Sunday night that I'm Eeyore (from Winnie the Pooh - I gotta start reading some grown-up books soon...) and maybe that's part of it. Always seeing the negative, always ready with the down-side...



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