I'm Not Dangerous, Really, But The People Around Me Might Be

Okay, I had a post up the other day - but when I went to check it, I got a malware warning and so, thinking the picture (yes, it WAS a Star Wars pic) was somehow the cause of the warning, I pulled the post, looked at the html (which I know very little about) and cut all the imported html (losing the quote that had been the basis of the post - a quote that I can't find again now -  thus rendering the post useless...argh) only to discover that it wasn't anything I did that caused the malware warning.  Well, except that I trusted a bunch of people that I really don't know.

Not Blogger.

United Methodists.

Yeah, okay, here's the thing, when I checked things with Google Tools (yeah, Google owns the internet) I discovered the problem.  I had on the side of my site a Western PA UM Blogroll.  It listed a bunch of UM (that's United Methodist for those of you who landed here accidently and for some inexplicable reason are still reading) blogs that I like to read once in a while - Bob Zilhaver from Dubois, District Superintendent Eric Park, the bishop, and others.  Anyway - the blogroll got corrupted somehow.  I don't know if it's a site that linked from a site or if someone on the blogroll had very bad things happen to their blog - or if somehow it was just on my end.  Regardless, out went the blogroll and gone is the warning that my blog is somehow unhealthy for your computer

I made a slight change to the way you add comments to try to prevent bad stuff getting on this blog too (well, other than the bad stuff I write - but that's here to stay...)

So, anyway, a lesson I learned - well, first it's the whole throwing the baby out with the bathwater of deleting content rather than copy and pasting it into some other format (like, oh, I don't know - WORD or something).

There's more, but it's Monday morning and I'm just getting back into the swing of things...  Maybe later...


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