
found online....
A couple weeks ago, Seth Godin posted a great post about why organizations don't improve. It's short (it'll take you about a minute to click there, read it, and come back...I'll wait, honest...)

Told you it's short.

Anyway, he says, in a nutshell ('cause I know some of you didn't read it) that improvement is risky because it has many costs. Making something better, or trying to, might actually break it...That happens, so we fear change and do nothing. Making something better ALWAYS makes it worse for some people*. We know that, so it may depend on the perceived power and position of that "some people".

Change is frightening, so we don't do anything - and that feels better, because it is known...

But Jesus changed everything...

*I know churches who hold on for dear life to a particular worship style in a service where only a dozen people attend - and in one church it is a traditional service, another it is a more contemporary service - because they are afraid to change and lose what little they have... 


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