Twisty Turny

Yesterday I got to lead chapel at one of our local Christian schools. I was freaking out because I didn't know if I could relate to the little kids (even though half the time I act like one) and I heard the Jr/Sr High kids could be pretty brutal (bored, non-responsive -- not really HOSTILE, mind you...). Anyway, I wasn't sure what to do, so I prayed.

Well, duh. Of course I prayed. Yeah, but I mean I BATHED this puppy in prayer. I was on my knees (figuratively) more over the past week or so over this service than I have been over anything in a long time (though, check out my last post...).

I really felt like I should speak on the Holy Spirit (I mean, this is Pentecost, right?). So I did. And I used an old standby for when I do a children's sermon at another church (they've seen it here) -- balloon animals.

Okay, I'm not very good at balloon animals, but I can be kind of goofy in my inability (you know, "let me show you the first animal I learned to make..." "...a snake.") Now I won the little kids over pretty quickly with the balloons, and the rest of the talk went really well (I talked about how the Holy Spirit FILLS US into a shape that is prepared for God to use us in our lives -- and then God, through the twists and turns and bends and squeaks in our lives shapes us into the image that is perfectly prepared for us -- the FILLING of the Holy Spirit allows that shaping to take place -- cause, you know, without the wind in the balloon, you have "road-kill snake." Without the filling of the Holy Spirit in our lives, there's not much shaping to do - we're bend and twisted by whatever comes along. But when we've been filled, God can shape us and use us and direct us into His envisioned image. And, for the kids, I said that it might only look like a nose and front legs at this point, but God's taking you somewhere and shaping you by what's going on in your lives.

Now, with the older kids I talked about sanctification...yeah, that was a big hit (heh). But I was amazed that the balloons, as stupid a thing as it was, the balloons seemed to really break the ice with the older kids... (I mean, it's not like the guy who rode his Harley down the school hallway...but I try).

So, I got through it. No, God got me through it. And so I'm doubly blessed...


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