Big Deal...

So, I'm doing it again... Oh, wait, I've been gone for almost two weeks now - our denomination's Annual Conference and a work trip in Pittsburgh (which was great, by the way)...

Anyway, so, I'm doing it again, it would seem. Every once in a while I think about doing something really big for God. Something earth-shaking, faith-building, hope-spreading, Anyway, I think about doing some big things for God. And every once in a while I act on that impulse. Seems like a good idea, God will be honored by it, it might even sound like the right thing to do at the time. Thing is, and this is where the "I'm doing it again" thing comes in, sometimes when I decide to do these big deals, I don't really ask God what HE wants, you know? I mean, what if these big plans aren't really God plans? What if I set out to do the greatest thing ever witnessed by human eyes so that God will be glorified, but God really just wants something small and quiet done?

David wanted to build God the grandest Temple conceivable. God says no. David, the man after God's own heart, wants to do this great and grand thing for God, and Nathan the prophet even agrees with him (that's a discussion for a whole 'nother time), and God says no. (2 Samuel 7) Why?

I dunno, maybe I'm over thinking things. Still, I've put in some time on my knees lately, and I keep coming back to the need to confess and rely on God. Could it be that God has things in mind that I don't know about? Could it be that I'm just supposed to plant the seed, or water it or whatever wierd plant-growing metaphor you want to use? Could it be that I could envision, plan, organize, and pull of the greatest, most God glorifiying, most spectacular event that humanity has ever witnessed and God might just look at my efforts and say, "Big deal?"

Could be...


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