Some Days I'm a Mess

The other day the garbage truck came to pick up my garbage - which is no unusual event (what IS unusual is that I remembered to put the garbage out that morning). I happened to pull up just after they left my house. When they pulled away, there was a small bag of garbage left on the street. I parked and got out of my car and picked up the bag and put it in our big garbage can that was still at the side of the street. I heard the garbage truck backing up down the street - apparently, they had seen the bag and were going to come back to get it. The guy on the back saw me pick it up, I waved them on - and he smiled and waved back and the truck went the other way down the street.

Not a big event, I realize. But I got to thinking. How much garbage trails after me in my life? How many people have had to come in and clean up after me? (Heh - not just my office, which is a disgrace, but REAL messes - life messes - spiritual messes...). How many times have I not even looked in the rearview mirror and SEEN the bag of garbage laying there? And when I've seen it, do I put it in reverse and clean it up myself?

Okay - WAY overdoing the metaphor...maybe. I think of where I'm heading in life - and I feel more God-directed today than ever before in my life - and I think of what I've come from and there are some messes back there that I can't go back and clean up and I pray to God that in His grace they've been cleaned up... or dealt with... And I bet I've suffered some consequences... probably that I don't know...some that I do know...

And since I'm feeling so melancholy right now...what kind of messes am I dumping in my wife's life? In my daughters' lives?

Does anybody else ever just wonder how blind we really are?

Well, I have to go take care of someone else's mess right now. A trip to Erie to the Greyhound station to get a kid back to Atlanta... There's a woman who is fleeing domestic violence right now... There's two kids I know of who are dealing with SERIOUS psychological struggles - both have been hosptitalized... There's a family that HAD to go hunting this week or there would be no meat on their table this winter...and they got two deer and I praise God for His provision...

Life is so messy. But God loves us in the middle of the mess...


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