So - a Mild Diversion
Heh, posting something on Michael and my "Talk About" blog ( made me think of this thing that Lori sent me a year or so ago. You type in your name and it'll tell you what kind of job you should have... It's PG rated, but here's what it came up with:
William Beatty: Church Minister
William R. Beatty: Clown
William Rue Beatty: Pole Dancer (now there's an image that'll burn a hole through your brain - actually it gets worse if you put Bill Beatty in this one...sigh...)
(so that's the format I'll use - name, w/middle initial, w/middle name)
Lori Beatty: God; (deleted reasons); President (heh, two outta three ain't bad)
Rachel Beatty: Emperor of all the World; Professional Hippy; Monkey Impressionist (hmmmm, there might be something to this...)
Eliana Beatty: Human Shield; (edited for; Pro Football Player
Here's one I found online:
Here is my family:
Name Job Job w/Middle Name Added
William Beatty: Jungle Explorer Professional Tramp
Lori Beatty: Hypnotist Lumberjack
Rachel Beatty: Sewage Worker Speaking Clock Standin (?)
Eliana Beatty: Sewage Worker Housekeeper
William Beatty: Church Minister
William R. Beatty: Clown
William Rue Beatty: Pole Dancer (now there's an image that'll burn a hole through your brain - actually it gets worse if you put Bill Beatty in this one...sigh...)
(so that's the format I'll use - name, w/middle initial, w/middle name)
Lori Beatty: God; (deleted reasons); President (heh, two outta three ain't bad)
Rachel Beatty: Emperor of all the World; Professional Hippy; Monkey Impressionist (hmmmm, there might be something to this...)
Eliana Beatty: Human Shield; (edited for; Pro Football Player
Here's one I found online:
Here is my family:
Name Job Job w/Middle Name Added
William Beatty: Jungle Explorer Professional Tramp
Lori Beatty: Hypnotist Lumberjack
Rachel Beatty: Sewage Worker Speaking Clock Standin (?)
Eliana Beatty: Sewage Worker Housekeeper