Two Videos, Two Causes, One Continent

Okay - so a couple people have (gently) chided me for being absent from the Blogosphere for nearly a month. Okay - guilty. Real Life (TM) has really taken hold - from sick kids to youth dinner theater (I was one of the Dancing Stars...yeah, a red giant...bleah...).

So, I'm back - and I'm sorry, for those who have missed this. Truth is, *I* missed this - but it has been hard for me to get motivated...

But I HAVE been reading blogs. My friend Aaron posted a couple videos in the past couple weeks that have pushed me over the edge enough to come back to good ol' blogger...

They both focus on Africa - and if this church didn't already have a serious relationship with a mission in Zimbabwe I'd be pushing these two organizations church-wide.

The first is called "Advent Conspiracy" and the video is, in my opinion, really powerful.

The second is from a website called the Mocha Club which encourages folks to support the cause for Africa at 7 bucks a month - you know, get your coffee break people to each kick in a little every month, I guess.

But, again, the video is pretty potent...

So here's the links for the two sites:

The Advent Conspiracy/
Mocha Club


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