New Year, New Look, New Post

Yeah, it's already past my birthday in this new year - and I'm just getting around to the blog...sigh...

I didn't guess how busy I'd be moving back to the area. But it's not just that. I don't know if it's just getting older (I refuse to ACT older...but some things you just can't stop...) or if I'm just running dry - but it seems like I just don't have anything left to say in the blog. If I'm thinking theologically, I'm usually putting that toward worship and stuff here at church...

It's not like stuff isn't happening in our lives. Rachel and Elie are loving school, Lori discovered that she really likes being a classroom teacher and loves her class of fifth graders. Lots of stuff has been going on at church - things are really happening here...


Christmas day we had a brief service and toward the end, as I was finishing up, getting ready to pray, Elie brought up a paper airplane (it was a REALLY informal service, but paper airplanes??) and I was going to tell her that she shouldn't interrupt and she shouldn't make paper airplanes and...blah, blah, blah...

But I saw that there was something on the inside - and she stood there smiling (and it's so hard to resist the girls when they are smiling - not that I'd tell THEM that....) so I opened it up - and she drew a manger and baby Jesus and Mary and Joseph (who both looked like abstract llamas, to it MUST be art, right?) and the star shining down...

So I'm thinking about how much I can miss because I think I know what's going on - how I might look at the surface of things and think I know what's going on deep down - how I really live too much of my life glancing, scanning - but not really seeing.

No wonder Jesus said several times, "Let he who has ears, hear..." - we don't listen, we don't see, we don't pay attention to what we hear or see...

So...I'm back - but I'm rusty...and...I guess feeling "dry" is the word...


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