Cutting Room Floor

Something left out of Sunday's sermon:

I mentioned in my sermon Sunday about how God really prompted me to thin out my DVD collection - from stuff that dishonored God, my wife, other people, whatever. It was one of those personal choices for me at the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

Anyway, I've done the same with music, though perhaps a little differently.

Here's how I've always viewed entertainment (movies, books, music, art):

There are really three categories: that which honors God, that which dishonors God and that which is generally neutral.

Most "Christian" entertainment seeks to honor God - though a fair amount of it is really pretty neutral. For example, what is it about a Thomas Kincaide painting of a purple and pink house in a blue and pink forest that is really God honoring? There are lots of songs on Christian CDs that really just don't have anything to do with God - but they're written and recorded by Christians. Mark Schultz does a song called "Just to Catch Myself" which I like, it's fun and sort of funny. But, um, has nothing to do with God. And that's okay. Because it doesn't in any way DIS-honor God, either.

So - does a movie like Star Wars dishonor God? How about an album by Styx** (yeah, I'm old, get over it)? Or, even just a song? Do we judge the value on the lifestyle of the artist, or on the work itself? Does the fact that Doug Pinnick or Ray Boltz are both gay mean that none of the music these men produced could ever honor God? Hmmm, I think that's line for God to speak to each individual - in every respect.

I don't have any Kiss or AC/DC on my iPod - even though I know a bunch of the songs - I have my reasons. I got rid of the The Green Mile because they take God's name in vain just far too much for me, even though I think it's a great story... Yet, I enjoyed The Da Vinci Code even though the history and theology of it were terrible... Hmm, I'm not sure if I'd categorize that movie as God dishonoring or not...maybe... I'll have to think about it...

So, anyway, I do pay attention to what goes into my ears and eyes because it matters - and the Holy Spirit works on my heart when I'm listening to Him...


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