The True Cost of a Wonder Hanger
I just saw a commercial on TV for the Wonder Hanger - now, this isn't about commercials, or "innovative" products (though, I think the Wonder Hanger is a pretty good idea, actually).
The commercial says, "We'll double your order, just pay separate shipping and handling fees" - so, here's the deal, it's only ten bucks (okay $9.95) for the offer...but then I caught the fine print on the screen (not nearly as small as it used to be - good thing 'cause my eyes aren't nearly as sharp as they used to be) - the processing fee? $15.90 Holy cow! What the heck? It costs more to process than to buy? Um, methinks there's some shenanigans going on here.
So what? Well, I'm thinking about the hidden costs - not just ordering junk off the TV. There's hidden costs in a lot of stuff we buy - get a car whose payments you can afford, you might not be able to afford to maintain it or repair it if something should happen - or maybe the gas expenses...or, whatever...
There's hidden costs in careless words we say, thoughtless actions. We offend without knowing (and, too often, without caring) we hurt others in hidden ways...
But hidden costs. And I'm thinking about sin, mostly... There's a lure to sin - immediate gratification, selfish pleasure, whatever - it's immediate, it looks, sounds, feels good - but there's a hidden cost. Broken relationships. Bitterness. Self-destructive self-focus...