Not Trickle Down, Seeping Out?

Saw this at Bonkers World and thought it apropos of what I was talking about yesterday:

This is probably true whether you're famous or not - I have the occasional drop in here on the blog because of content*, but almost everybody who comes here knows me well.  And that's the only reason they come back.  

I read Aaron's blog and Michael's blog all the time because I know them.  

Anyway, the point is that's how things work in the new digital economy, if you will.  It's all relationship and word of mouth - it's all circles and who you know, or, maybe it's who you know who they know (no, wait, is that right?  I need a flowchart or something...).  Anyway, it's not "trickle down" anymore, it's...seep out?  


Aaron said…
so you're one of the two that still read my pathetic blog?
Pastor Bill said…
Heh, I could say the same for you and this blog, Aaron :) But, yeah, I still check it out pretty regularly.

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