Some Assembly Required...

Yeah, those are dreaded words on Christmas Eve/Day.  I get it.  When Rachel was like 4 I refurbished and decorated a homemade dollhouse that she still talks about today - AFTER the 11:00 PM worship service... Yep.  I'm a procrastinator.  I get it.  My fault.

Baby Blues Sunday summed it up for a lot of us: (click to see the whole thing)


Is it really that bad?  And they LOVE it.  And isn't love for your kids about sacrifice?  That "some assembly required" sacrifice is really pretty small, isn't it?  We act like it's such a big deal.  But the day comes when they just get iPads or whatever that completely disconnects them from the family Christmas day and instead of "Dad, look how cool this is - come put it together with/for me" it's "Thanks...see ya later..."  Or... "Thnx c u" or whatever...

I'm trying to be less like Darryl in Baby Blues these days.  Savor the moment.  They're still little.  I want to still love it.

Some assembly required, of course...


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