Thrifty DVDs...

From Morguefile
Based on my last post, I thought an explanation might be in order.  We DO have a lot of DVDs - but we've been collecting them since DVD players first came out (Lori bought me one the first or second year they were widely available).  I don't have any idea how many DVDs we have - I don't really want to count them...suffice it to say it's...many.

But here's the thing.  The kid DVDs have mostly been gifts.  I think over the past ten years or so we've bought maybe 25 or 30 or so DVDs at full price, most of those VeggieTales - just about all the rest have been gifts (we have nearly every Disney DVD ever made, for example, because a relative has made it her mission to buy 'em as they put them out).

My DVDs were almost all purchased by me, however - a lot of Sci-Fi and Action.  Some I've paid full price for, like the Star Wars Blu Ray and the Indiana Jones movies and the Terry Pratchett stuff, but tons of them are from Walmart's $5 bin or, even better, from the used DVD store where I got them 10 for ten bucks.  Gotta love deals like that.

Recently, Rachel discovered "I Love Lucy" and, at the used DVD store found the first three seasons for really cheap so she used her own money to buy them.  And that has become a family event (even though we had been watching it while waiting for the bus - now, of course, we don't have to wait for the bus since their school was done last Friday - they've been off for a week already...)

So, anyway, I guess the point is just that it's possible to amass a pretty big collection of DVDs (over a decade) without laying out a TON of cash...

Or, something...


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