Sermon Site Launched...

...yesterday :)

I posted the weekend's sermon yesterday. I created the site a week or two ago, but got the first message posted yesterday. I cleaned it up in a more or less "as preached" version - with a couple links (video clip and scripture passages). Not sure what else I'll do with links - depends on how much (if any) time I have to devote to upkeep.

Anyway, the link is on the side: Let God Speak...Here And Now (pretty original, huh?)

Also, link Here it's just Should be easy enough for even me to remember... :)

And, the audio for sermons at Otterbein church is located Here
Newest content is at the bottom of the page (not sure how to do that otherwise, I don't update the page). She's usually a couple days into the week before she gets the newest message audio on the page, please be patient.


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