Happy...um...Birthday to me

Well, I'm thirty-eight as of Monday. Kind of went by without too much hoopla (staff got me a cake and we enjoyed it at coffee break). Lori and the girls gave me cards. I'm am SO happy that that's all there was to my birthday. I hate a lot of fuss being made...

Well, nothing too deep about that. I guess I realize that just because I am the center of my own universe - doesn't mean that I ought to believe that I'm THE center of the universe (actually - God is my center - then Lori - then the girls...well, on the good days that's the order...on the bad days, well, I really AM the center of my own universe...).

So what? Well, I guess I'm just thinking about how sometimes we make a show of things. You know, ooooo - look how big a party we threw for your birthday. Ooooo - look how expensive that gift was (man, if I had a nickel for everyone who asked me to speculate on how much someone else's engagement ring cost - well, I could shower Lori in diamonds...heh, maybe I should set that as the fee for answering such a stupid question...). We like big. We (the collective, heart abominably wicked human centered we, that is) like to make a fuss - and often like to have a fuss made over us. It "shows they care." You know what? I'd rather they showed me they cared the other 364 days of the year - by being patient with me, being encouraging, being positive and hopeful. I'd much rather there be no fuss - ever - and just a general sense of we can all really get along here...

I think God would prefer that, too. You know what - I've been preaching about prayer and I was thinking this morning about where Jesus says “When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard because of their many words.  Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him." (Matthew 6:7-8) Do you think Jesus is saying, "Don't make a fuss. Pray normal. Make that the normal aspect of your relationship." Hey, Paul says to pray without ceasing, right? What that suggests to me is that God simply wants to be in relationship with us ALL 365 days of the year - and we don't have to suck up to God with lots of flowery talk. Don't we all get suspicious of people who try to butter us up? That's not to suggest that there aren't times and places to use - gasp can I even say it - poetic language to pray to God - it's just not necessary... I think.

A glimpse into how my mind works (when my mind works...)


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