Oh, my aching back

I got what I deserved yesterday. I put on a dinner and didn't ask anybody to help me. So, I had to cook, serve and clean up after 24 people. My own fault, really. Just didn't ask anybody to help. So, I got what I deserved. My back is crooked again - and the pain is none-too-pleasant, lemme tell you...

Why? You might ask. You might not ask that, especially if you know me, but, for the sake of the post, let's assume you might want to know why...

My first response is: I don't know.

No, really, I don't know why I would do such a stupid thing. Anybody with half a brain would have asked for help...

So, I guess I'm really bad at asking for help. I KNOW I am. WAY too independent, or something. What kicks that whole idea in the pants is that I believe that the church exists, in part, to be in community with one another. I believe that all of us should bear one another's burdens and share one another's joys. So - why can't I ask for help? I still don't know.

But I got what I deserved (Actually, I got off pretty lightly, all things considered, since today it doesn't hurt nearly as bad as yesterday - so I didn't actually "throw it out" or anything).

Just a quick observation...about my own hypocrisy...


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