Blood:Water Mission

I saw this on the Blood:Water Mission website and thought it was worth posting here, too...

Since 1990 Newgate Mission has been serving the homeless population in Longview, Texas and the surrounding area. Newgate Mission exists to relieve needs, recover lives, rebuild community, and restore hope. They provide support for the spiritual, physical, social, emotional, educational, and financial needs of our community.“It was during one of our daily Bible studies that an amazing thing began. We were discussing helping those less fortunate than ourselves and some were questioning how they, as homeless individuals, could possibly help anyone else. I have donated to Blood:Water Mission for the last few years so I knew about the great things they are doing in Africa. I shared with our group how many people in our world lack the most essential of physical needs, clean water.

I told them about the 1000 Wells Project and how $1 can provide enough water for
one African for an entire year.

They were stunned.

Even though they are about as poor as you can be here in America they knew they had much to be thankful for.

One person suggested we start collecting change to donate to the cause. She thought we might be able to raise $100. We eventually came up with the idea to take a donation each day when we serve lunch. Less than a year later the poor and homeless of Longview have raised nearly $2,000 for the 1000 Wells Project!!! Our goal is $3,000 so we can provide one whole well to a community.I thought it would be an inspiration to many if we were to present a check to the 1000 Wells Project at your event. If people see that even the poorest in America can raise that much because they love their brothers and sisters in Africa I believe their hearts will be opened. I know our community here at Newgate has challenged me personally to give more and more. It has been a blessing being able to be a part of this and I look forward to being able to share what God is doing through the ‘least of these’ here in East Texas!"- Joel Heflin

So, what's my excuse?


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