Superchick, Natalie Grant and Mickey Mouse

So Rachel and I are watching the Disney channel - oh, let me back up - Lori got a job. She's teaching at the Christian School - 5th grade (a position that didn't even EXIST six months ago...hmmm). So - Lori's been all day at the school, Elie went to my mom's (I am SO thankful that my mom is willing to give her days off to her granddaughter - not every grandparent is, but we're spoiled that Lori's parents havae done the same) and Rachel spent the day with Lori getting her room ready. I did hospital visits and a home visit and some office work - in between letting the puppy out (oh, yeah, we got a puppy too - hey, why only deal with a LITTLE transition? Do it all at once...).

So, Rachel and I were watching the Disney channel - a Lindsay Lohan vehicle called Confessions of a Drama Queen. It had some moments of dad uncomfortableness (inappropriate clothing and a drunk rock star) but most of it was resolved pretty well by the end of the movie.

I had a couple moments of dad worry, too - teenage girls can be so stinking mean. I really want to protect my girls from all that - but short of homeschooling them and isolating them from every living being on the ain't gonna happen. But Lola (LLs character) really ends up being a person of character, even to the girls who really hurt her.

BUT - that's not what prompted this post, either. Sorry - it's way too easy for me to digress here... During the movie we heard at least two Superchick songs and, at the end, a Natalie Grant song.

Now, I'm not so naive to think that the only consideration the film makers had was finding the perfect song for the movie, though I believe they generally look hard for a "right" song. But with all the product placement (coke and sprite I'm looking at you), I'm guessing that there was either some kind of "song placement" deal (we pay you x amount of money to use our songs in your movie) or I suppose it could just be that Christian artists' songs are just going to be cheaper to buy for movies (I'm still betting on the I pay YOU to use my song in your movie - which is entirely backwards to how it's supposed to work).

Or maybe I'm just cyinical.

But when I heard the songs, I perked up. Christian songs on the Disney channel. They've played Everlife before - in fact, that's where I first caught wind of Everlife. And the Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus claim faith (or so I'm told). And, yeah, the Superchick songs aren't really super God-focused or whatever - but the band is, and many of their songs really do speak of their faith. So I guess I'm okay with that kind of "product placement". Maybe we need to see more of that kind of thing.

The Church used to be the greatest patron of the arts in the world - now the Church generally imitates the art of the world...and not all of it in what I would call a God honoring way...

Sigh - no way to solve all the Church's problems tonight - just a couple random thoughts for Monday (update tonight? Hmmm...maybe)...


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