Not Normal...but no conclusions
Shhhhh - I'm supposed to be finishing my sermon right now :)
The other day Rachel was getting something - man, I wish I could remember all the details - let me try to reconstruct it.
Oh, I think it was buttering toast - well, if it wasn't that's how I'm remembering it (I gotta do some posts on memory - if I remember, of Anyway:
Rachel was buttering her toast the other day - understand that when Rachel makes toast it's just barely browned at all - and she puts the butter on like some people (me) put peanut butter on their sandwiches - yeah, it could possibly be measured in cups - bleah.
And I said to Rachel, "You know, normal people just put a little butter on their toast."
"Daddy," she said, looking so sweet and innocent, "Don't you know we are not normal people?"
Hmmm - all of eight years old and already getting smarmy (actually, she started a long time ago...sigh...takes
So, we laughed and she ate that pile of cholesterol on a plate and I finished packing her lunch or nagging the girls to comb their hair or whatever getting-ready-for-the-bus-so-hurry-up stuff I do in the morning.
But I was thinking about what she said. Daddy, don't you know we are not normal people?"
Why not? What IS normal? No, seriously, what does it look like?
I'm pretty sure that Rachel doesn't think we're somehow BETTER than other people. And I know my kids don't really have any self-esteem issues. So what does that statement mean?
So, if you didn't click on the link (shame on you) it's
"Everyone's special."
"That's just another way of saying nobody is."
Yeah, yeah. But everyone IS unique - and I really wonder what normal looks like.
But Rachel's right about one thing - we don't expect our girls to "fit in." Not that we want them to be outcasts or whatever, but we've been pretty firm about "being yourself" and all that. They have (right now - I do hope it lasts) a pretty strong sense of being part of this family - a strong identity and pretty good self-awareness...
Sigh... I got interrupted in the middle of this and now I've been completely derailed...argh...
I guess I'm also thinking about how we, as Christians, are "not normal." That whole being in the world bu not of it.
Sigh...I'm going to give up on this post - another hour long interruption...