Bad Habits

Why are bad habits so easy to fall into and good habits so easy to fall out of? Man, I was getting pretty good at blogging for a while, then it all went kaplooie (heh, is that really a word?). My computer went down, so that kinda nailed the coffin shut - but I was falling behind even before then...

I was reading a book by Mike Slaughter called Momentum for Life and he talked about how it really only takes one time of slouching (on, say devotional prayer or some other good discipline) to fall right out of the habit - and back into the bad habits...

I find myself falling into a bunch of bad habits - I feel like I have to work so hard at everything - nothing comes easy for me. I work on procrastinating and I fail at keeping my temper with my children, I work on prayer and I stop reading the Bible. What is wrong with me?

We were really good at practicing every week for the praise band, and I fell out the habit - now we're supposed to have practice tonight and I don't want to go...

I'm really in a funk today - I'd like to blame it on Lori being away until Saturday (heh, the house will probably be a freaking disaster when she comes home) but I just don't know what's wrong with me... Oh well...

It feels like my life is a series of bad habits that I'm killing myself to get over...and I never do...

Wow - maybe I'll have some happier thing to gripe about later...


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