
Well, another two weeks goes by without a posting. Things get so hectic. I can barely keep up with life. The girls were sick - then I was sick. And the senior pastor was on a mission trip so I was minding the store...

We always have excuses for why we don't spend time on things that are important. I don't pray as much as I should or I don't play with my kids as often as I should because... I'm too busy, people keep interrupting, I have too many appointments.

The thing is, I seem to have enough time for the things that I WANT to do. I like model trains (yeah, I know what class of geek that makes me) and I don't seem to say, "wow, I wish I had more time to read those model train magazines..." And I seem to be able to fit my favorite TV shows into my "oh so busy" schedule...not to mention a bunch of TV shows I don't even like...

Yeah, no big revelation in that, I know. Just confession. Just had to get that off my chest - even if it is obvious.

Maybe not so obvious. How can I tell the one who MADE time, that I don't have time for Him?

Dunno... but I do it...


Michael Airgood said…
I'm with my friend Marshall this week in Kentucky, and if there is one thing he has taught me it is this:
If you do ministry things you aren't called to do you will get burned out.

He has challenged me to evaluate every action that I take and see if that is what I am called to do. God has great plans for us ... why do we try and add things to them.

I know in your situation as a pastor you are paid (and therefore forced) to do a lot of things you aren't called to do.

This summer I was on a team that was supposed to lead a Bible Study. I prayed about it and didn't feel called to do it. My team was very angry (they did their Bible study on teamwork and why everyone needs to participate), but during that time I went with a camp. I got to have a really great conversation with a kid who came from the same background as me. If I had been struggling through a Bible Study I didn't want to go to I wouldn't have had that chance.

I have fallen away from doing this and have 3 or 4 things that I'm not called to do, but that I routinely do. I should try and shed one of them this month. It takes work to find replacements for you ... but it is worth it.

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