Leading or Led?

My friend Michael commented on my last post and it got me to thinking about putting energy where it needs to be put. You can check out his comment, since I'm not really quoting it or anything - just made me think.

Every January we have a Wesleyan Covenant service here at Warren First UMC. We pray, among other things, that God will use us as He will - put me to work, lay me aside, put me to something I am suited for, or something disgraceful... Use me.

I believe that - and when I'm walking closely in God's will, whatever He calls me to do I am more than happy to do (not always more than comfortable, but that's for another post). But when I am walking in Bill's Will...heh, I oughtta trademark that...well, it seems sometimes that I'm just spinning my wheels. Sometimes I can expend a great deal of energy and get nothing at all accomplished - and sometimes (like when we did the prayer stations service at Breakthrough worship) I can just kinda coast through things - and it's like stuff just falls together... Argh - I wish things were clearer and easier to discern. I can't always see what God's will is, until I'm in a place where I'm NOT in God's will.... There's a great line in a Rich Mullins song "Hard to Get"

I can't see where you're leading me
Unless you've led me here
To where I'm lost enough
To let myself be led...

That's me. Lost enough to let myself be led...


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