Just Call Me Two-Eyes...

I lost my glasses Sunday night. [I posted some UN-graceful things here that I need to retract anc repent...and I will...]

Anyway, now that I got that off my chest. I can't find my glasses. I can still see pretty well without them - gives me a headache, but I can read, drive, whatever just fine without them. My eyes just have to work harder, that's all. Really, it's my right eye. I think my left eye is just about normal. With my right eye alone, things are kind of fuzzy - but not unreadable. Just a little out of focus.

I think there's a lot of that in the church. I don't think that most people have a greatly distorted view of Jesus, I think that they just can't see Him all that clearly. It's just a little off. I know that's true for me. Sometimes I'm sooooo sure that I have a handle on this whole being a Christian thing - but then I realize that if I squint just a little more, though it might give me a headache, I can see that I was a little bit wrong...

Rachel got glasses yesterday. She was so excited to go to school this morning. I mean, she does look absolutely adorable in her glasses. But she can read a little better now (it's great that in kindergarten she can read already).

I hope that she can see Jesus clearly. I bet she sees Him a whole lot more clearly than I do. After all, I've got 38 years of cynicism and disappointment behind me...

I guess I need new glasses...

To see Jesus...


Michael Airgood said…
I'm glad I'm your friend. It also makes me happy that Rachel can read. I work with a kindergarten class ... and I know too many kids who can't even write their name when they show up.

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