From or To?

Double Post Wednesday....

Read somewhere the other day something about evangelism. The core of the message was: we've been too busy trying to get people saved FROM hell, when we ought to be busy getting people saved INTO the Kingdom of God.

It's a huge difference, and one that I really hadn't given a lot of thought to.

But think about this: if all the emphasis is placed on getting people to "say the sinner's prayer" or whatever, once a person gets to that point - let's call it repentance and acceptance of Jesus as their Lord and Savior - what's left? If your goal is to "get them saved" - well, you've done it. So, drop 'em like hot spuds and look for the next sinner to grab by the collar and get all "Jesus in their face" til they repent.


We could welcome people INTO something. The sad truth is that too many churches don't have any "something" going on, so they can only offer saving people from hell and that far off when you die reward - but til then you're on your own. But you better read the Bible and and go to prayer meetings and listen to Christian Radio (tm) and blah, blah, blah...

What did Jesus have that made following Him so attractive? Was it just the get out of hell free card? I don't think so. What are we missing?

Jesus said, "Go into all the world and make sure they don't go to their fiery eternal doom..." No - he DIDN'T - he said, "Go into all the world and make disciples of all people, teaching them what I taught you, baptizing them in the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit. And don't worry - I'm going to be with you." (My paraphrase)

So, I'm still concerned about people's eternal destiny, don't get me wrong, but Jesus said the kingdom was already among us. Let's live like it really is and let's invite some people in...


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