
Well, two things have come together again and my mind is spinning.

First, the article on Mother Teresa and the very,, VERY long dark night of her soul that Time Magazine reported on not long ago.

It seems time and again that Teresa complained that God was distant - even so distant as to seem to not exist (though she only makes THAT complaint once). Still, I get it. I've been going through that kind of struggle, though not to the depth or length of Teresa's...

Then I read a quote in a sermon from William Stringfellow, "Prayer is being so alone that God is the only witness to your existence."

I need that place right now. I suspect that Teresa found that place often enough, but she never could shake the feeling that God wasn't witnessing her existence.

I wonder if God wasn't closer than ever - so close that she couldn't sense Him becasue God was overwhelming her. I wonder sometimes if we could dive so deeply into Christ that we wouldn't see where we left off and where Christ begins... Could she have been in such a place of having the mind of Christ? Or maybe, as was suggested, she was experiencing some disconnect from God to learn something?


I need that place where God is the only witness to my existence...



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