Monday Update

My friend Aaron stole an idea from a guy at Youth Specialties for Monday Updates - kind of a weekend that was, and a week that is to be thing. Since I'm not above stealing good ideas (especially if they're stolen already), I'm going to institute not one but TWO regular features into my blog. The next one will wait for Thursday (note that it's a stolen idea too...which will give at least one of the readers of this blog a clue as to what's coming).

So, without further ado:

Monday Update

the weekend that was: Lori and I rented a couple of movies – we watched Changeling which was better than I thought it would be. We tried to rent Doubt twice but Family Video and Blockbuster didn’t have any copies in stock. Lori’s mom and sister came over to drop off some Rubbermaid bins we had in storage at their house. We’re officially getting ready to move (ugh). We took the girls to Steak ‘N Shake (not my favorite restaurant by a long shot) for lunch, picked up my new glasses (I broke my glasses like half an hour before our Easter service last week), and then went to the park so the girls could play. They had a great time for the most part – they have this weird “wave” thing a this park and the girls got bummed out when the other kids quit playing with them on it (one little boy took a header into the wood mulch from about 4 feet up or so…the kids kind of scattered after that). Lori made cookies with the girls – which is always a challenge (flour all over the kitchen, for example…and don’t ask about the eggs). Worship was good this week – the bands were excellent. Sermon felt a bit off this week, but I have weeks like that… Caught a nap Sunday – it was awesome!

where i am at the moment: In my office

on my to-do list this week: Home – start sorting the stuff in the garage to lighten the load for moving, take some books to Half Price Books, some yard work (bleah). Work – getting things ready for worship this Sunday, trying to pull together a video for next Sunday.

procrastinating about: Yard work (bleah) and my sermon…

book I'm in the midst of: I’m just starting Chasing Daylight by Erwin McManus. I knocked off a couple novels I was poking away at last week (Terry Pratchett’s Nation, a book I found sort of by accident called The Crown Conspiracy by a guy named Michael Sullivan – kind of similar to Katherine Kurtz’ Deryni books - and a cheesy fantasy novel White Plume Mountain which I only finished because I had started it and a book has to be terrible for me not to finish it – this one came close). I’ve got a huge stack of books on my desk right now that I want to read…

media that seemed to catch my attention this past week: the TV show Kings which I hadn’t given any thought to when it first came out. So, what if America had a king instead of a president? Who cares? But it turns out that the storyline is Saul/David (broadly interpreted, of course) from the Bible. It’s fun catching the references (King’s wife, “So, Silas has his thousands and David has his tens of thousands…” nevermind that the main character – David Shepherd no less - destroyed a tank called Goliath…). Rediscoverd the band Send the Beggar today because I found another box of CDs that I hadn't loaded on my iPod yet (I have 13000+ songs on that thing - I don't want to think about how many CDs that is - and I know I haven't put them all on yet, either - and there's all those cassettes waiting to be converted...sigh).

grand revelations this past week: My girls need more face-time with Daddy. When I’m home, I’m not always really there, you know?

how i’m feeling about this week: Pretty good. From Palm Sunday until Pentecost is my favorite part of the year, so I’m pretty excited about the scriptures we’ve got coming up in the next couple weeks. Rachel and Elie are playing more outside – I’m hoping to get some time with them – a little soccer or catch… We’ve got the preschool Spring Sing this week – I’m playing guitar on one of the songs – so Tuesday (also Church Council night) and Thursday nights will be pretty busy for the Beattys…


Aaron said…
1. Stealing ideas of stolen ideas seems pretty legal to me.

2. The "grand revelation this week" is my own creation!!!!

3. I love Monday updates now I'm sure to have something to read of yours on Monday too!!!!!

4. Random Thursday?

5. It's Monday evening and I'm still working on my Monday update.....
Pastor Bill said…
Heh - Aaron, in weeks to come I'll probably be working on the update and trying to get it in before midinght...sigh...

Oh, and no, it's not Random Thursdays. I figure most every other post I do is pretty random, so that? Er...?

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