I'm so frustrated. I lost all of my notes from Pittsburgh Project. All of the morning quiet time sheets (ARGH I was going to USE some of them for worship...) and some quotes and some other notes...

Okay - I'm getting over it. I still have the LONG handwritten stuff. I'll get that posted at some point...

Lori was gone from Thursday night to Saturday night - so I was Mr. Mom this weekend. It was good. I started writing again (okay, so this is writing - but I mean fiction...). Not that it's any good, but it felt good to just create.

I wonder if that's how God felt "in the beginning..." I mean, what I've written will never be published - but I made it. It's all from me. And I like it.

And I realize that it was God who gave me the talent, the inspiration, the ability.

Do you suppose that we have this drive toward creative expression because we imitate the God who created us? Wow - that didn't come out right. How about this. MAYBE, the "image of God" in us our drive to create.

Lori says she's not creative. But nobody can make a budget sit up and beg like Lori can... And she's always coming up with stuff. So she doesn't paint or write songs. Big deal. Literally, a monkey can paint or write a song (albiet, it might not be very good...heh - still might be better than what I can do). The creative drive is about passion and focus and - well, Lori established NFL days at her school. She's a HUGE Steelers fan. She comes up with all kinds of ways to get the kids involved.

She put the most amazing Valentine's day gift together for me. She cut out maybe a hundred hearts and she pinned them to my office wall - and they say really encouraging and loving things. In the middle it says, "I love you because..." and then these hearts have stuff on them like "you mow the grass" or "you love me" or "you're a great daddy." (okay, I'm going from memory here - I'm not actually in the office...) She says it's not creative because she didn't come up with the idea. I say, creative people take ideas and make them work, maybe make them better, different, it's creative in the APPLICATION. Valentine's day card. Nothing new about that. CREATIVE: hand paint a Valentine's day card - a mini portrait of your beloved. The APPLICATION can be creative (okay, that's not THAT creative...I'll probably get some cracks about this one...)

Oh - and I still think Jesus is a liberal. But I bet we don't define liberal the same way.

I gotta go to bed...


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