Some Days I Feel...

I spent the last week at the Pittsburgh Project. Didn't have a lot of free time, but I did manage to hand write 11 pages of, well, ranting about things - mostly the need for our church culture to be more inclusive and less restrictive... I'm having a strange zeitgeist-shift here (if I can mis-apply a term I never really came to terms with in seminary...). My friends would say I'm becoming more liberal... I'm inclined to think my friends might be right... and that's okay.

Maybe Jesus is a liberal...

So, though I don't have time today to deal with transcribing the 11 pages (plus the three or four I wrote last night waiting for my wife outside of the Milcreek Mall). I gotta get worship stuff together soon for Sunday night - not to mention Lori and I are singing Sunday morning for the 10 AM service (so she wants to practice this afternoon) and I have to pull stuff together for praise band practice in a couple of hours. So, why am I on my blog? Hmmm....



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