Give It Up For Lent

From Morguefile
John Acuff on his blog  Stuff Christians Like* posts about Digital Fasts for Lent with his usual, somewhat sardonic manner.  Maybe the idea of giving up stuff of Lent is passe, I don't know... But I know this.  My 11 year-old daughter has given up being online - using the computer at all, in fact - for Lent (except for school work, of course).  Now she gets a reprieve on Sundays, since they are "little Easters" - that's the way we do this "giving up stuff for Lent" thing in our family.  Our 8 year-old daughter, when asked if she was going to give anything up for Lent, said, "Yes.  I'm giving up doing science projects."  Well, we'll work on that.

Here's the thing.  While it's not a huge deal for the 11 year-old, it IS a sacrifice.  And it has meaning for her.  And she thought it through.  And she's doing it just like she should - she's not moaning and whining about it.  She's observing Lent.

And I'm a proud dad.

*Thanks to Aaron for reminding me of John's site, I hadn't been back to if for a while :)


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