Stone Doesn't Burn, Does It?

From before the beginning of this blog until June 2008 I served First United Methodist Church in Warren, PA as the Associate Pastor.  It's a great church and if you read the posts in those three years of the blog you'll get some insights as to what I did around there during my tenure.

This post isn't about that.

Just now I read about a fire at a big stone First United Methodist Church in  Ada Ohio.  I saw the picture on Facebook and at a glance had a sinking feeling that it might be First UMC Warren.  I was glad that it wasn't, but then I was, and am, very sad for the people of Ada, Ohio.

But I thought about the many times people said, "Oh, if we have a fire, not that much here will burn.  It's all stone."

But these two pictures tell a very, very different story, don't they?

My prayers for the people of Ada.




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